GoFit Baby
GoFit Baby (3-7 Months)
GoFit Baby (7-14 Months)
Baby will learn basic body awareness, correct movement and posture while exploring different senses in an inclusive and fun environment.The GoFit Baby program incorporates stretches, song, yoga, play, massage, dance, and breath work with a variety of stimulating props, instruments, and activities. No one baby and there developmental trajectory is the same so we pay attention to each baby’s particular needs and adapt class for their benefit. Class activities are created to nurture and foster their growth while honoring their process and individuality. We also give caregivers the knowledge and confidence to take home the lessons learned in class and apply them at home.
Key indicators:
Rolling, pushing backwards, tummy time, assisted sitting (3-7 Months)
Pushing back on belly, creeping, crawling, sitting unassisted, pulling to stand, cruising, balancing, standing with guide and on their own, walking with guide and eventually on their own (7-14 Months)
stimulate sensorimotor systems
enhance visual and auditory development
develop social and emotional skills
support healthy digestion and sleep